To get a fund for your projects has been challenging may it be a startup or charity that is looking to fund the next big idea. In the past the funds were available by venture funds, angel funds or PE Investors that has its cost, regulation, Issues involved. Crowdfunding changes the whole scenario. It challenges the whole method of regular funding.


Crowdfunding Process

  • It starts with campaigns. Campaigns are nothing but a short pitch on why the fund is required.
  • Campaigns should be ideally be accompanied by video or images to support the pitch.
  • Once the campaign is ready it should be shared with the crowd or people or community that would like to support idea can contribute to the project.
  • Owner of campaigns have not to shell out an equity of the project, simply gives products or merchandise with more value to the customers or community.
  • This campaigns is run on the platform. The platform charges small fee based on its own policy. The cost for the same is far less than regular funding fees that is charged by fund managers.
  • Crowds funds the idea by either buying perks, equity or product

Some of the world’s top crowdfunding platforms



MakeYourSoftware believes that there is lot of scope of the crowdfunding projects. There are lot of niches of innovation, art, creativity, charity, projects that can be brought under crowdfunding platform. We at makeyoursoftware have launched a new product of crowdfunding software that can be used to start a new crowdfunding project. We also provide customization facility for the crowdfunding platform.
For more information or questions on the crowdfunding platform get back to us.